• 🎹刘柯妤


    生于北京。电影作曲配乐双硕士:Columbia College Chicago 芝加哥哥伦比亚学院电影音乐作曲专业硕士;中央音乐学院作曲系电子音乐作曲专业硕士(公费)。2019年荣获罗马独立电影奖最佳原创音乐奖; 洛杉矶皇家钢琴比赛评委。

    商业联系: 微信 sophysna 【影视配乐/留学作品集辅导/作曲&钢琴】

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    刘柯妤生于北京,Columbia College Chicago 芝加哥哥伦比亚学院电影音乐作曲专业硕士;中央音乐学院作曲系电子音乐作曲专业硕士(公费)。2019年曾荣获罗马独立电影最佳原创音乐奖。




    2012年师从中央音乐学院张小夫教授学习电子音乐,2013年考入中央音乐学院作曲系电子音乐作曲专业,并获得公费研究生,师从作曲家关鹏教授。同年考入美国芝加哥哥伦比亚学院(Columbia College Chicago)影视配乐专业(Music Composition for the Screen)研究生。


    进入研究生阶段,在国内国外深入学习了学院派的电子音乐作曲以及商业电影配乐,特别是在美国期间大量接触了好莱坞电影配乐,游戏音乐,并师从好莱坞作曲家Kubilay Uner,David McHugh以及Andrew Edwards教授,从中进一步学习了创作方式与作曲技巧。而后进入好莱坞著名华裔作曲家王宗贤nathan wang工作室实习。现定居美国洛杉矶,成立个人原创音乐工作室。


    2017.2 完成研究生期间电子音乐作品:1.《聆》 --为钢琴,打击乐和电子音乐而作;2.《雾中吟》--纯电子作品3.《声音的残响》--为笛和电子音乐而作4.《躁动的声音》--纯电子作品


    2016.5 在芝加哥Matt Studio录制了原创大提琴作品《Mongols》;2016.6 在洛杉矶The bridge录音棚录制了原创44人管弦乐作品《The Summers 》.合作人员:洛杉矶著名指挥家Mark Watters,星球大战的混音师John rodd,以及钢琴家Mike Lang。


    2017.5 通过论文答辩:论频谱形态学在《地心引力》配乐中的应用。



    1.《聆》 --为钢琴,打击乐和电子音乐而作;








    2014.9 为影片《City Symphony-Chicago》配乐 导演:KNE Yicheng Xue

    2015.1 为话剧《收信快乐》配乐;芝加哥风车剧社版


    2015.3 为影片《My Fantastic Friend》 配乐 导演:Francisco Rodriguez

    2015.4 为影片《Trapped》配乐 导演:KNE Yicheng Xue

    2015.5 为话剧《我和我和他和他》配乐;芝加哥风车剧社版

    2015.6 为影片《Uniform》配乐 导演: William Tang

    2015.8 为影片《The Lovely Pot 》配乐 导演: Lu Han

    2015.10《宝护App》微电影广告片 导演:黄彬昊

    2015.12 在芝加哥唱片公司录制为游戏配乐的作品《Wandering》

    2016.4 为影片《Wake up》配乐 导演:KNE Yicheng Xue

    2016.5 在芝加哥Matt Studio录制了自己作曲的大提琴作品《Mongols》

    2016.7 参与《Born Wasted》部分配乐,影片荣获FEEL THE REEL国际电影节奖项

    2016.8 回国继续攻读中央音乐学院作曲系电子音乐作曲专业

    2017.5 通过论文答辩:《论频谱形态学在电影地心引力中的运用》

    2017.7 获得中央音乐学院作曲系电子音乐作曲专业硕士学位证书以及毕业证书

    2017.9 参与影片《拼桌恋人》音频后期制作

    2018.2 为影片《GOODLUCK》配乐 导演: William Tang

    2018.4 为影片《蓼莪》配乐 导演:CHI ZHOU

    2018.8 为影片《Drive for you》配乐 导演:刘璟仪

    2019.2 参与赴丹麦演出音乐剧《熊猫童话》部分配乐

    2019.4 为影片《迟迟》配乐 导演:肖伊

    2020.11为影片《Fraud in fraud》配乐 导演:Leon

    2021.1 为纪录片《三十三》配乐 导演:刘特

    2022.2 担任音乐总监,编曲制作合成。合作梵音歌者源淼老师,大提琴Eddie Young,鼓手Davey Cheggwidden以及Nick Young创作三首佛音《灵爱之歌》,《菩萨只生欢喜不生愁》《观音灵感颂》



    2012年作为键盘手加入乐队美味戏谑(Joking Tasty),曾在鸟巢,Mao,麻雀瓦舍等受邀演出

    2014.7.5 -五棵松体育馆HI-PARK


    2014.4.4 -Old what酒吧

    2014.4.7 -江西婺源音乐节


    2013.5.9-MAO LIVE HOUSE 中国摇滚现场

    2013.3.26-Old what酒吧

    2013.4.29 -MAO LIVE HOUSE 中国摇滚现场

    2011.8.21 -麻雀瓦舍-北京南城音乐节

    2011.7.11- 麻雀瓦舍 - 摇滚音乐节




  • Introduction

    Sophie Liu Keyu is a film music composer, music producer, and piano instructor. She holds dual master's degrees in film music composition and has graduated from Central Conservatory of Music and Columbia College Chicago. As a keyboardist for the band Joking Tasty, she has performed at various music festivals and venues, including the Bird's Nest and MAO Live House. In 2017, she published a paper entitled " The Application of Spectrum morphology in the Movie of Gravity." Keyu Liu has created music for multiple films and songs, such as "GOODLUCK," "Fraud in Fraud," and "The Song of Love and Spirits." Her work in 2019 won the award for Best Original Music at the Rome Independent Film Festival.


    Sophie Keyu Liu is an experienced music composer and professional piano teacher with extensive experience in the field of film scoring, music composition, and piano. She was born in Beijing, graduated from the Master's program of Music Composition for the Screen at Columbia College Chicago, and also earned a Master's degree in Electronic Music Composition from the Central Conservatory of Music in China, where she received a full scholarship. In 2019, she won the Best Original Music Award at the Rome Independent Film Festival.


    Sophie began studying piano at a young age and in 2006, she studied traditional theoretical composition with Mr. Siren Nadamid, a Chinese ethnic music composer. In 2008, she was admitted to the Composition Technique and Composition Theory program at the Central Conservatory of Music in China, where she extensively studied various forms of Chinese ethnic music theory and performance styles, establishing a solid foundation in Chinese ethnic music. Her works include the song "Yearning for Tanggula," the quartet "Baroque Style," and the graduation work "Impression of Beijing." During her time at university, she formed her own band and served as a keyboardist for various commercial performances.


    In 2012, Sophie studied electronic music with Professor Zhang Xiaofu at the Central Conservatory of Music and in 2013, she was admitted to the Electronic Music Composition program at the Composition Department, where she received a full scholarship and studied under the guidance of Professor Guan Peng. That same year, she was admitted to the Music Composition for the Screen program at Columbia College Chicago.During her graduate studies, Sophie delved deeply into the academic and commercial fields of electronic music composition and film scoring, particularly through her exposure to Hollywood film scores and game music during her time in the United States. She studied with Hollywood composers

    Kubilay Uner, David McHugh, and Andrew Edwards, further honing her compositional skills and creative methods. She later interned at the studio of renowned Chinese-American composer Wang Zongxian in Hollywood. Sophie is now based in Los Angeles, where she has established her own original music studio. Sophie Liu has achieved several academic accomplishments including completing several electronic music works such as "Listen", which features piano, percussion, and electronic music, "Misty Chant", a pure electronic music piece, "Residual Sounds", which combines flute and electronic music, and another pure electronic music work "Restless Sound". She has also recorded original cello and orchestral works in studios in Chicago and Los Angeles, collaborating with renowned conductors, mixers, and pianists. In 2017, Sophie Liu completed and published her graduate thesis "The Application of Spectral Morphology in the Film Gravity", showcasing her professional ability in the field of film scoring.


    Furthermore, Sophie Liu's is a professional music educator with a large following of students seeking to learn piano, music theory, AP music courses, and professional composition skills. She has the ability to tailor her teaching to each student's individual needs and provide clear and concise guidance. Liu has successfully mentored numerous students in their applications to prestigious music schools, helping them to pursue careers in

    the music industry. Sophie Keyu Liu's is a highly accomplished composer, film scorer, pianist, and music educator with a wealth of experience and expertise in various fields of music. With her extensive knowledge, technical skills, and creative approach, she has garnered numerous accolades and awards in the music industry. Sophie Liu is also a dedicated music educator who has successfully coached many students in various aspects of music education and helped them achieve their goals of pursuing music professionally. Her passion for music, coupled with her exceptional talent and dedication, make her a truly inspiring figure in the music world.


    The following are my performing experiences:


    • Hi-Park music festival at Wukesong Stadium in Beijing July 5th, 2014
    • Punk Spring music festival in Beijing School Bar Apr. 13th, 2014
    • Wuyuan Music Festival at Jiangxi Province Apr. 7th 2014
    • Performance at Old What Bar in Beijing Apr. 4th, 2014
    • CX-Open at Bird Nest National Olympic Stadium in Beijing Sep. 21st, 2013
    • Rock Music Festival at MAO Live House in Beijing Apr. 29th, 2013
    • South Beijing Music Festival at MAKO Live House Aug. 21st , 2011
    • Beijing Rock Music Festival July. 11st , 2011
    • 3rd Anniversary of Dachao Live House Nov. 6th , 2010


    My Works:

    List of Works

    • February 2022: Served as the music director, arranger, and synthesizer producer for three Buddhist chants, "Song of Spiritual Love," "Bodhisattvas Only Rejoice, Not Worry," and "Avalokitesvara's Inspiration Song," collaborating with chant singer Yuan Miao, cellist Eddie Young, drummer Davey Cheggwidden, and Nick Young.
    • January 2021: Original Music Composing for the documentary "Thirty-Three," directed by Liu Te.
    • November 2020: Original Music Composing for the film "Fraud in Fraud," directed by Leon.
    • April 2019: Original Music Composing forthe film "Delay," directed by Xiao Yi.
    • February 2019: Participated in the performance of the musical "Panda Fairy Tale" in Denmark and contributed to the music arrangement.
    • August 2018: Original Music Composing for the film "Drive for you," directed by Liu Jingyi.
    •  Original Music Composing for Hongkong Movie “The Best is Yet to Come” —《迟迟》 04/2019Director: Zhan Qiao
    •  Original Music Composing for Musical “Fairy Tale of the Giant Panda”—《熊猫童话》 02/2019
    • The Musical was performed in Denmark and presented to the Queen of Denmark Margrethe II
    •  Original Music Composing for Movie “Driving For You” 08/2018Director: Jingyi Liu
    •  Original Music Composing for Movie “Song of Wanderer”—《蓼莪》 08/2018Director: Chi Zhou
    •  Original Music Composing for Movie “Good Luck” 02/2018Director: William Tang
    •  Audio Production for Movie “Table Lover”—《拼桌恋人》 02/2018
    •  Obtained a master's degree in electronic music composition and a graduation certificate from the Composition Department of the Central Conservatory of Music
    •  Issued Thesis “The Application of Spectrum morphology in the Movie of Gravity”
    •  Original Music Composing for Movie “Born Wasted”07/2017
    •  Recording my composing work “the summer” at the Bridge Recording Studio in Los Angeles and conducting orchestra for group of 44 instrument performers for this record, work together with famous conductor Mark Watters, Mixer John Rodd who did the mixing for “Star Wars”, and Pianist Mike Lang 07/2016
    •  Recording my composing work “Mongols”, played by Cello, in Chicago Matt Studio 05/2016
    •  Original Music Composing for Movie “Wake up” 03/2016Director: KNE Yicheng Xue
    •  Recording my music composing work for game “Wandering” 12/2015
    •  Original Music Composing for advertisement micro movie “Baby Protection App 宝护” 03/2015 Director: Binhao Huang
    •  Original Music Composing for App-Advertisement “Bao Hu” 10/2015 Director: Hao bin Huang
    •  Original Music Composing for Movie “The Lovely Pot” 08/2015 Director: Lu Han
    •  Original Music Composing for Movie “Uniform” 06/2015 Director: William Tang
    •  Original Music Composing for Movie “Me2 V.S. He2” 06/2015
    •  Original Music Composing for Movie “Trapped” 04/2015 Director: KNE Yicheng Xue
    •  Original Music Composing for Movie “My Fantastic Friend” 03/2015 Director: Francisco Rodriguez
    •  Original Music Composing for Movie “Happy Receiving” 01/2015
    •  Original Music Composing for Movie “City Symphony-Chicago” 03/2015 Director: KNE Yicheng Xue


    During my period of study in the United States, I joined Windmill Drama Club as composer to compose the original music for shows “Happy Receiving” and “Me2 V.S. He2”, which were performed in public at University of Chicago in January and May. I also issued an original album entitled “Happy Receiving”, which includes most of my music works for the show of the same name.


    Once again, welcome to my music space!! Relax, and enjoy!!


  • Works(我的配乐作品)



    Beast - Original Scoring by Sophie keyu Liu
    "Liu Keyu's music work - composed music for the trailer of the film 'Fraud in Fraud'."
    'This Moment' - Original Composition

    TRAPPED- Original scoring by Keyu liu


    4 Monologues 1st Cue - Original Scoring by Sophie keyu Liu
  • 配乐作品(大陆地区)


    刘柯妤电影配乐作品 "Beast" keyu Liu (sophie) in MFA music composition for screen

    刘柯妤游戏配乐作品 "Epic Mickey" keyu Liu (sophie) in MFA music composition for screen

    刘柯妤配乐作品-为电影《"Fraud in Fraud"》预告片

  • My students offer letters collection


    我的学生OFFER 合集

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    NYU Offer (纽约大学录取)

    In February 2023, the student received an admission letter from the Film Scoring Department of New York University.


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    CCC Offer


    In February 2023, the student received an admission letter from the Film Scoring Department of Columbia College Chicago.


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    SFCM Offer


    In March 2023, the student received an admission letter from the Film Scoring Department of SFCM.


  • Liu Keyu's music work andio-我的作品音频

  • 我的音乐基础知识课堂





    A sentence or two describing this item.

  • follow me



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    联系邮箱 :sophysna@qq.com


    QQ: 63704937


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